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Is this for you?

Coaching is space. A space for reflection yours and only for you.

Your private space without noise, without rush, without judgment to know where you are and where you want to be.

From there, your transformation process begins. 

a long and difficult process

Who said that? Someone with very little desire to transform, for sure. 

Preparing the trip, getting what you need to enjoy there, the views from the plane or train... can be experiences as satisfying as arriving at your destination.

A creative process in motion. Exploration, learning, anchoring experiences, physical, interactive, with music... We will decide your process together. 

what topics can be discussed

Everything that you want to move or that has been moved and you don't like. Some of the challenges I have encountered:

- I need a change but I don't know what

- I do not know who I am

- I don't enjoy my life, my work, my family, my relationships

- I don't see myself capable

- I don't like who I am

- I don't feel comfortable in this new situation.

- I need to develop new skills that I don't have now.

how would it look like?

I am committed to giving you the best of me always from my experience and knowledge, respect and constant creativity.


The main commitment is to yourself.  Therefore, before starting the program, we will do an analysis (at no cost) that helps us measure your commitment to your transformation.  

Let's start

Each person is unique and their process is theirs alone. We will make a more extensive contact (online, in person, you decide).

There we can detect where we are and begin to design together the action plan for your personal transformation.



After each session, I will send you a graphic workbook. This will help you integrate your learnings and reflections, set the action plan and know at all times where we are. 


Prior to our next session, I will send you a questionnaire that will help you focus  and decide the best way to spend your time and the session. Remember: the session is your space, therefore we will discuss the topics that best serve your purpose.

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